The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 373 - Nostalgic Battle

"Master… are you sure?" Mei Gui asked, appearing slightly uncomfortable.

"Of course. Out of everyone here, you\'re the only suitable opponent for me, as we both possess Chaos powers. I mean, if you don\'t want to, it\'s fine, but… why?"

"It\'s just… I don\'t like fighting against Master. It makes us feel like enemies," Mei Gui murmured almost inaudibly, looking away. 

Man… I really shouldn\'t be complaining about this, but I feel like she is too loyal.

"C\'mon, Mei Gui. We already fought once, remember?"

"That…" She trailed off, recalling the memory.

"Wait, you mean when she first appeared…?" Feng Mian asked. "That feels like so long ago…"

"Perhaps. But I won\'t forget," I chuckled. "Never will I forget. The first defeat I\'ve suffered since acquiring my powers… was to you, Mei Gui. I think it\'s about time for a little revenge."

"Master…" Mei Gui trailed off for a brief moment, but then made up her mind. "… Very well. Come at me again, Master. We shall see who is stronger this time."

"Don\'t hold back."


I smirked as the two of us broke away from the rest of the group to stand facing each other a short distance away. I did some stretches to loosen up my body, then cracked my knuckles.

"Alright, Mei Gui. You ready?"

She narrowed her eyes and conjured her Chaos spear. "Yes, Master."

I summoned my two katanas as well, twirling them around in my hands. "Great… then, let\'s begin."

I made the first move. Quickly dashing towards her, I pretended to slice down at her front, but in the last second, I changed my mind.

\'Space — Eliminate.\'

I teleported behind her and tried to finish the fight, but to my surprise, she had the exact same idea as me and teleported behind ME instead. 


I quickly spun around and met her spear attack with my two katanas formed in an X-shape, before backing away a few meters as she did the same.

Realizing she was probably superior in melee combat, I decided to try a different approach this time. Raising up my hand, I cast a spell.

\'Legendary Poison Magic — Asura Hell.\'

Lin Luo\'s eyes widened as she saw me use this attack. "Wait, that\'s my…"

"Yeah, uh, he does that," Yu An Yan laughed. "Quite a lot, actually. Whatever spell you use, he\'ll learn it one way or another and use it for his own gain."

As a shroud of darkness enclosed around Mei Gui, I went up into the sky using the golden wings I had stolen from Lin Luo. This scene was not unlike the fight she had against Octavius.

"That bastard… he stole that too?!" Lin Luo muttered in frustration.

"I guess… he counts as a Celesticus now?" Feng Mian wondered aloud as she gazed in awe at my two large, white, beautiful wings with symbols etched with golden blood on them.

Ignoring their remarks, I concentrated on the black shroud of darkness before me. This fight was difficult, since I couldn\'t use destructive spells like Fire or Sky. That would destroy this forest and possibly even the temple as well. I could replicate Lin Luo\'s divine lightning, but not here.

After a few seconds, my black shroud, Asura Hell, was suddenly completely erased by Mei Gui.

"Forbidden Magic — Zero."

She calmly stood up from the ground and spun her spear around in her hands, before leaping up towards me.

"Yeah… now I know just how frustrating it is to fight against someone with Chaos powers," I muttered to myself, before flying out of the way.

She too activated her Flight and followed me, turning the ground battle into an aerial one. Up here though, she had the advantage with her range, so I had to beat that with even further range — magic.

Level Two Fire Magic — Twin Dragons.

Unleashing two violent dragons born of pure fire towards Mei Gui, I quickly backed away and let them do their job. Unfortunately, although that attack could\'ve handled practically anyone our age group, Mei Gui was no easy enemy. She easily countered it with her own spell.

Level Two Water Magic — Coiling Serpents.

The four entities, equal in power, clashed in the air, emitting an explosion that could\'ve probably alerted the whole temple had there not been a sound barrier.

Level Three Light Magic — Holy Ray!

Taking advantage of the chaotic situation, I quickly shot a beam of light towards Mei Gui, thinking she wouldn\'t be able to see it because of the mixture of fire and water in the air. 

Oh how wrong I was.

Not only did she predict it, she utilized the blinding factor of the Holy Ray against me, sneaking up directly below me.

"Tch…!" I quickly canceled my spell and dodged out of the way just in time. Mei Gui emotionlessly followed.

\'Space — Eliminate.\'

I attempted to make some space for myself with that spell, but she was relentless and copied me, essentially rendering my attempt useless.

Little did she know, however… this was my plan all along.

\'Legendary Shadow Magic — One Thousand Clones.\'

\'Level Three Shadow Magic — Invisibility.\'

I first generated multiple copies of myself to surround Mei Gui, then turned my real body invisible to sneak up on her when she expected it least. While she was busy trying to find the real me amongst the many copies, my invisible self would attack from behind. With this, she had no way of-


My eyes widened as she suddenly spun around and thrust her spear towards me, stopping right before it pierced my neck. I gulped and tried moving away, but her next words stopped me in my tracks.

"Master, it\'s over. I know you are there."

Sighing, I canceled my invisibility and raised my hands into the air.

"Okay, I lost. How did you know I was coming from there?"

"… Don\'t play dumb, Master." Mei Gui closed her eyes, lowering her weapon. "It was Third Eye, obviously, but I know you let me win."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? I\'m afraid I don\'t know what you\'re talking about."

"You lost to me again so you could have another excuse to fight me once more, no? I am well aware, Master. There is no need to hide it."

"…" I fell silent, feeling kinda bummed my true intentions were ratted out that easily.

Meanwhile, the other girls just watched on, slack-jawed. They couldn\'t hear our conversation, so to them, it just seemed like Mei Gui knew I was coming and absolutely destroyed me.

Mei Gui flew closer and hugged me tightly after dematerializing her spear. "Master… I know friendly battles are a good way to get stronger. But even so… I do not wish to fight against you."

I sighed and patted her head. "Alright, alright… fine. You beat me, so I have no complaints."

"Mm…" Mei Gui smiled faintly and rubbed her head against my chest.

We descended soon after, making sure to put up a good act.

"Welp, I lost again," I said with a chuckle.

"Wow…" Feng Mian murmured. "Mei Gui\'s probably the only student in this school who can actually beat you."

"Hm, I don\'t know about that," Yu An Yan said doubtfully. "The student council president… Qian Hua, I think? She seems to be really strong, given how everyone\'s worshipping her like some sort of genius deity."

"Master is far stronger than her," Mei Gui said confidently. "She may be talented, but she does not have the destiny-defying power of Chaos. I can sense her strength level, and I\'m certain Master can as well — she is but an early-stage Golden Monarch."

Lin Luo frowned. "Wait… you mean to say he has beaten Golden Monarchs before?"

I shrugged. "Perhaps."

"Yeah," Feng Mian laughed. "When he was only an Intermediate Mage, no less."

"Wha… how is that even possible…" Lin Luo frowned in confusion.

"If you\'re wondering about how I managed to deal with their Battle Souls, it\'s not too hard, really. There\'s a certain spell forged of Chaos that I can use to essentially… steal their Battle Soul."

"Right… you\'re all about stealing other people\'s abilities, huh?" Lin Luo snorted in dissatisfaction.

"Hey, why are you so mad? I gave you enough of it back so that you can use it as well. I just have main control over the power, that\'s all."

"That\'s the point… do you have any idea how hard I worked to finally acquire my golden blood? Yet you just take it all away, leaving behind a meager few drops for me to \'use\'."

"Hm… do you want a few more drops?"

"No- ugh, never mind… talking to you is a waste of time."

Saying this, she prepared to leave, but I caught her arm before she could.

"Where are you going?"

"… Huh?"

"You\'re up next, Lin Luo. And as for your opponent…" I smirked and turned to Obsidia, the other problem child. "Obsidia, if you will?"

"… Why do I have to participate too?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Her tone was dark and clearly annoyed.

"This is part of our deal."

"I don\'t remember ever agreeing to this."

"The stronger all of us are, the sooner we can fulfill your goal."

"… Fine." She turned to Lin Luo with a glare, cold and serious. Lin Luo shared her look. Both wordlessly stepped away from the rest of us to where Mei Gui and I just fought.

"Now then… this should be interesting," I chuckled.

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