Transmigration: Children of The Plane

Chapter 36 The Beginning Of A Legend

The Beginning of a Legend

It took Xue Feng a few hours to build his best-concealing array, but after he was finished, Xue Bai still didn\'t look confident and said to construct a few more.

The Celestial Void Fruit was a Low Heaven-Grade Natural Treasure, after all. And though Xue Bai wasn\'t sure what natural phenomenon it would make after he ate it, it had to be something that wouldn\'t dishonor its rank.

Xue Bai didn\'t think that these arrays could mask the phenomenon completely. He only hoped that whatever did leak out was something they could explain logically. He was afraid not of the people on the Southern Continent but those of the Central one.

Though they were far away from the Central Continent, if the Phenonomon were large enough, peak experts would definitely be able to sense it. And after capturing his family, a simple soul search would end Xue Bai\'s life.

So he hoped that it could lower the exposure enough to where it seemed only to be a Low Earth Grade Treasure. That way, it would never reach the Central Continent and only scare the people in the Southern Continent.

After explaining his goal to his parents, they both agreed and would spend the next two days building dozens of different types of concealing arrays in his courtyard. Anything to suppress the phenomenon to its lowest possible output, from noise suppression to camouflage arrays.

"This is the last one I can make, Bai\'er. Any more, and I think your courtyard would collapse on itself." Xue Feng spoke.

"Let\'s just hope this is enough." Li Rou sighed, "Alright, Bai\'er, sit down cross-legged here. We\'ll protect you."

Nodding, Xue Bai sat on a meditation mat he had prepared earlier. Holding the Celestial Void Fruit in his hand, Xue Bai was filled with an odd emotion that he couldn\'t describe.

This fruit would start his cultivation journey. After eating it, he would embark on a road filled with countless corpses, struggles, and peril. But at the same time, he would also find his closest friends and spouse and create a family because of it as well.

He could also choose not to eat it and live a lavish life as the child of a Duke. Though he wouldn\'t inherit his father\'s Dukedom, his next sibling would inherit the Dukedom. And would most likely treat him kindly and let Xue Bai live a prodigious life.

It was while Xue Bai was feeling the most conflicted when something happened. Both of his parents grabbed his shoulders. Then, turning around to face them, he saw the gentlest looks on their face.

They didn\'t care what decision he would make. They would stand behind whatever he chose, whether he would stay a cripple or embark on the path of a genius destined to tramble on his peers. They didn\'t care because, at the end of it, he was still their child, Xue Bai.

Seeing his parents look at him with so much faith Xue Bai knew he couldn\'t let them down. Resolving himself, he ate the fruit in 3 quick bites.

After eating it, Xue Bai immediately felt something flow within. Every inch of his body was being explored by this unknown gas. From the tip of his toes to the top of his head, the gas flowing inside of him was changing him inside out. It was strengthening his physique in a gentle manner and giving his body the ability to withstand the Low Heaven Grade Martial Vein.

Xue Bai thought that it would make him feel indescribable pain and had even readied a rag to bite on just in case. But it actually felt euphoric, as if he was ascending from his mortal body into a higher type of being.

Xue Bai was even changing on the outside. His originally silky black hair was dying into a purple shade like his eyes. His pupils also soon lost their black color turning entirely purple like his iris.

Xue Bai\'s metamorphosis took around an hour, during which the entire time, Xue Feng and Li Rou were laser-focused on Xue Bai to make sure everything went right.

Before Xue Bai ate the fruit, they were apprehensive about it, thinking that Xue Bai was being plotted against. However, after they saw their son change from the inside out, they knew that this was the real deal.

After his mediation was complete and Xue Bai opened his eyes, Xue Feng was the first to make eye contact with him. But seeing his son\'s eyes look like that almost made Xue Feng want to kneel and prostrate himself to him.

Xue Bai\'s new eyes didn\'t look that different from their original ones. However, they seemed to radiate majestic that someone like Xue Feng couldn\'t even begin to contend with.

It was like seeing a baby dragon staring at him. Even though it was still a baby that Xue Feng could crush like an ant, the thought of doing that terrified Xue Feng so much that he thought that the heavens would smite him down if he did.

However, after taking a side glance at his father, Xue Bai ignored him and looked up at the sky with an intense gaze.

"It\'s coming. Get ready. This is what we prepared for." Xue Bai announced suddenly.

After saying so, he stood up from his meditation mat and calmly looked up at the sky to witness the phenomenon he had created.

Hundreds of meters above the sky of the Duke Estate, space severed open. The blue sky had a hole in it, as if someone had slashed a sword that severed space leaving only a purple void. In the purple void that radiated emptiness, a slitted eyeball opened itself.

Peering from above, the eyeball looked down on the Baishen Plane with unknown emotions. The eye scanned the Baisehn Plane as if looking for something. However, it soon found the target it was searching for, Xue Bai.

After staring down Xue Bai with enough pressure that it could make the surrounding space tremble, the eyeball started closing and with it the severed space.

However, a sentence rang in Xue Bai\'s ears before the space was closed entirely.

"You\'ve inherited a path belonging to a descendent of mine. Honor him well, or you\'ll be doomed for eternity!" The voice sounded archaic and was filled with majesty. However, Xue Bai couldn\'t tell which gender was saying those words, as if something was stopping him from remembering the pitch it sounded in.

After hearing the archaic voice, Xue Bai cupped his fists and bowed to the space above. He didn\'t know if the eye could still see him, but he still thought to honor it. The Celestial Void Fruit would be the start of his legend, and the person who allowed him to eat it deserved his respect and thanks.

After the eye disappeared and the space healed, a purple-colored gas also descended from the sky and slowly moved towards Xue Bai, seemingly ignoring every object in its path.

At first, Xue Feng and Li Rou thought it was dangerous and stepped in front of Xue Bai, wanting to protect him, but Xue Bai waved them off.

Xue Bai knew that this was the true baptism from the eyeball. The Celestial Void Fruit itself wasn\'t a High Tier Natural Treasure. Instead, it carried a marker that, when ingested, would give you the Low Heaven Nature Treasure. That was the only reason he could carry it casually and even contain it, as even treasures of Earth Grade would develop a minor form of sentience and try to defend themselves. Let alone something in the Heaven Tier.

So Xue Bai sat back on the mat and opened his mouth to suck up the gas that floated next to him. And after he sucked it in was when the indescribable pain he imagined came.

His body felt like someone was putting wires throughout his entire body. But Xue Bai knew that these were the Martial Veins. For them to truly help him cultivate, they needed to run throughout his body, like his normal veins.

Prepared, Xue Bai stuck the rag he had prepared earlier into his mouth and accepted the pain with relish. This pain was something that would help him ascend. This pain was the beginning of his legend. If all he had to do were endure for a few minutes and become a genius rivaling a "Child of the Plane," he would accept it.

He needed to kill Xiao Mo, and if he couldn\'t even handle some physical pain, how would he contend with the Final Boss of his world?

Xue Bai bit down so hard that he almost ripped right through the rag. The resolution on his face was so profound that even his parents wondered what he was thinking about. However, he ignored everything and focused on the pain surging through him.

Xue Bai was repeating the same words in his head over and over again to the point where he didn\'t know how much time had passed. But only realized that the pain had subsided.

Taking the shredded rag out of his mouth Xue Bai opened his eyes to look at the world that had changed in front of him.

In front of him, the world had gained a new layer that he couldn\'t see before. The colors were brighter, and the air was glistening.

"So this is Spiritual Qi, huh?" After saying so, Xue Bai passed out.

"BAI\'ER" Were the last words he heard as he saw both his parents shout as they rushed to catch him.

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