The Place Where Everything Begins

Chapter 18 - Welcome Gifts (2)

"I invite you guys today because I want to gift you, my future subordinates, with survival tools against the upcoming Tutorial Events."

\'I cannot let you all die after I\'ve wasted so much of my time and energy to baptize you after all.\'

Jeremy\'s speech and thoughts were expressing two different things. The former was like he was going to help them survive. And the latter was about his interests and profits that he would lose if they died.

After that, he picked up a black leather glove from a bag placing close by his feet. Then he put it on his left hand after realizing that it was a left-handed glove.

When Jeremy brought out the glove, everyone\'s eyes shifted from Jeremy to the glove.

"As you can see, this glove is the \'gift\' that I\'ve been talking about. At first glance, it might look ordinary, but it contains a spell I\'ve engraved onto the glove personally. The spell is called Mana Bolt."

Murmuring sounds from the garage\'s entrance started as soon as Jeremy finished telling them about the glove and the spell.

With a look of realization, someone had already guessed about the skill\'s usage correctly, as they used to see it in some games before.

On the other hand, those who were still clueless about the spell started asking those who knew.

Before long, the talking and gossiping sounds began to be louder and louder...


"I haven\'t finished explaining yet. If anyone of you has a question, do ask me after I finish."

Jeremy interrupted their chit-chat before it went overboard, and he continued his explanation.

"As the spell\'s name suggests, it is a ball that is shaped up and compressed from pure mana. That\'s why the Mana Bolt\'s color will be light blue, which is the mana\'s color when it released its latent energy. As for its speed, it is around half of the sound speed. Hmm... around half of a 9mm handgun bullet."

Talking till here, Jeremy paused for a bit to let them digest the information before continuing.

Most of them had already learned some basic information about common knowledge of energy types on Ortus, such as elements, mana, qi, spirit, etc.

They even knew that each race had its own \'unique\' ways to cultivate and power up, but they still didn\'t know the specific and more profound knowledge just yet.

Right now, they only knew basic information.

So, they didn\'t get confused when Jeremy talked about the supposed transparent mana that suddenly transformed into light blue color.

That\'s why many of them nodded their heads in understanding.

"As for its rank, it is only a tier 0 spell, but its might and power is completely different. Since I\'ve modified the spell and adjusted its power personally, causing it to be as powerful as a tier-1 spell."

"For simple explanation, if hit directly, it can easily kill an elephant or make a deep dent on a tank. So, don\'t ever take it lightly and make sure that you stand at least 7 meters away from your target when you cast it..."

There were gulping noises resounding out within the quietened garage after Jeremy finished his explanation about the spell\'s prowess.

Many of them were shocked to the core at the sheer power of the spell. If it was as Jeremy had described, this spell was akin to a 1 kg ANFO explosive; it could kill people easily if being hit directly.

Everyone knew what would have happened to them if there was a bomb exploding close to their bodies.

They would certainly be dead, and some parts of their bodies would disappear from this world forever...

But there was still one question within their minds...

How to use it?

Even the talkative Charlotte and enthusiastic Samuel chose to keep their quiet and were now thinking about how to utilize the spell.

Seeing everyone\'s confusion, Jeremy knew what was transpiring within their minds.

So, he went on to the next topic.

"Now, I will demonstrate to you how to use the spell engraved on the glove. Just look at my next actions."

After he saw that every one\'s attention was put on him once again, he went on to demonstrate the spell.

Jeremy raised his left hand in the direction of a dummy at the end of the garage. After that, he put his palm facing the wooden dummy in a parallel line.


Jeremy said lightly, but the voice was heard by the people behind him instantly and clearly.

At the same time, when Jeremy finished reciting the word, a white light suddenly flashed on the tiny array engraved on the glove\'s palm.

Then in a split second later, the people at the entrance only saw the blurred line of something traveling at a breakneck speed.

Before they realized what it was, it had already collided with the wooden dummy causing an earth-shattering explosion at the chest of the unlucky dummy.



That was the sound of someone screaming...


*Shatter!* *Break!*


This time was the sound of the garage\'s ceiling crashing down from above the dummy.

The explosion had caused dust and debris to float mildly within the garage. Fortunately, it was not as much as last time when Jeremy experimented on his spells.

Considering that last time, Jeremy had cast the Mana Bolt spell inducing too much dust to fly chaotically within the garage, causing him to cough constantly.

So, this time he came prepared...

Before today, he had already cleared out every speck of dust by using his mana techniques to generate pushing forces to push all of the dust and unknown powder out of the garage.

It was very tiring to do that with his current mana pools, but it was worth it.

That\'s why the dust amount being blown away from the impact was not as much as last time.

As for the debris and parts of the dummy and the broken ceiling were blown into different directions, but surprisingly, there was not even a single piece that flew in those people\'s direction.

That\'s the result of Jeremy creating a mana barrier to protect them, just in case some sharp parts accidentally flew in their direction.

For all that, he didn\'t want them to die indirectly by his own hands.

When those people at the entrance came back to their senses and saw the now half-bodied dummy laying on the nearby ground in stillness, they were left shocked and speechless in awe of the spell\'s destructive capability.

Right now, the dummy was missing its upper torso like the last time when Jeremy had cast the exact same spell.

However, the spell he cast this time was more than two times stronger than the last time because he had no control over the finished engraved array except for being able to refill its energy.

So, the Mana Bolt spell this time was at its full power.

Looking around the garage, those people saw quite an amount of dust spattering everywhere in the air.

Some of them were coughing nonstop with the sudden dust\'s outburst, while some remained composed just like they didn\'t care at all about the dust.

Until, right when they spotted the left, right, and backside of the dummy of which were the garage\'s walls made of cement, they were astounded once again.

Currently, there were some cracks and dents on the walls, like someone had just smashed them with a car.

As for the ceiling that was made from woods...

Right now, there was a circular-shaped hole on it!

When they looked at the hole, they could even see the sky that was currently depicting a dusk picture with some mild yellow with a tinge of orange light from the sleepy setting sun.

In their front was a man\'s back standing with all those backgrounds as his enhanced grandeur like a troubadour singing and praising the king\'s greatness.

When those phenomena combined, they were quite a memorable sight to behold.

\'He looks so cool...\'

The people at the entrance thought dazedly...

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