The Place Where Everything Begins

Chapter 30 - The Door

When Jeremy saw Skill no.149, his eyes widened...

The reason for that was from a passive skill called [Heightened Sense].

Usually, it was considered very hard to learn a skill if a person wanted to get it without relying on the System because everything related to one\'s sense, affinity, and technique was very hard to learn and enhance.

Even if they somehow found a way to learn it, they could only improve those things by putting in their sweat, heart, and soul into practicing them all day and night for countless days before they could even get a little glimpse of the next level.

Regarding the skill [Heightened Sense], it was indeed just a basic level. But this skill was renowned for its usefulness in various situations. Also, it was a necessary skill for those close combat-related classes. Even so, only a person with a very high rank or a person with innately high sense could acquire this skill.

And after receiving this skill, they had to train in it for a long time before they could advance it into the following levels, which were [Battle Sense] and [Sixth Sense], respectively. All of which, [Sixth Sense] was the last and ultimate level of this skill.

As for its usefulness, in the first level, [Heightened Sense], it would help increase one\'s sense of the surroundings. They would get a better grasp of the current environment they were staying in. Furthermore, it could also help them in battle by increasing their reaction speed by a bit.

Then the second level of this skill, [Battle Sense], as the name suggested, it mainly increased one\'s sense in battle. It could be said that anyone with [Battle Sense] skill would be able to fight and win the opponent with the same class and rank easily.

Lastly, [Sixth Sense], it was a skill that was desired by every close combat class. This skill was like a myth to most of them.

In Jeremy\'s previous life, he knew only two people with [Sixth Sense] skill, and both of them were actually a class 6 in their respective pathways.

Even though they were not nearly enough to be Jeremy\'s opponent at the time, because Jeremy was already a class 7 Sage, they were not in the same rank in the first place.

However, whenever those two people fought with an opponent, they could \'never lose\' even a single fight to their opponent if they had the same class and rank. And all of that was thanks to this one skill, [Sixth Sense].

Let\'s come back to the current situation...

In Jeremy\'s past life, he had indeed acquired the skill [Heightened Sense] before. Furthermore, he had achieved it naturally without having to put in any effort at all. However, he had acquired it when he reached class 5 in the mage pathway. So, it was nothing worth boasting about.

That\'s also the reason why Jeremy\'s eyes were widened right now.

Because he knew its true worth...

Then Jeremy moved his eyes to see the buyable times of this skill, and it was actually written in \'1\'. It meant that this skill could be bought only once. Then right after that, it would disappear from the shop forever. Furthermore, starting from Skill no.100 onwards, the buyable time was fixed at one buy per item at the shop.

The shop, in this case, was also referred to other Survival Crystals\' [Shop] in the other clearings like the cave-like room that Jeremy and 48 others were staying in.

After all, there were 10,000 people in the same Tutorial Space together with that cupid. That meant there were around 200 clearings with the exactly same Survival Crystal floating in the middle of the room.

Afterward, Jeremy took a look at the price; it stated \'4750 Survival Points\'.

\'A bit high, but very worth it.\' Jeremy thought and nodded to himself before continue examining other skills.

He knew all too well that with that stated price, no one could really afford it. Even to survive the tutorial was hard enough for Earthlings; how could they have leisure time to farm SP to buy a high-priced skill like this.

Then before long, the list kept going down again.

Skill no.150, [Adrenaline Rush]...

Skill no.151, [Calm Mind]...

Skill no.164, [Knife Throwing]...

Skill no.182, [Fast Hands]...

Until his eyes finally stopped at Skill no.186, which was the last skill on the list. Its name was [Eagles Eyes].

\'This skill... is one of the main active skills of those Archer-related classes. How can they put something like this in the tutorial? Also, it is the only tier 1 skill from the skills list. Hmm... interesting... its price is also not that high at 6,820 SP, affordable.\'

After Jeremy finished inspecting all of the skills there were to offer him, he decided to farm some SP to buy the two skills of which were [Heightened Sense] and [Eagles Eyes]. Moreover, if there were some surplus SP, he might even be able to buy other less valuable skills from the list.

Following that, Jeremy removed his hand from the crystal, the interface disappeared. Then Jeremy thought to himself, \'Alright, that\'s it for now. It\'s time to farm some SP...\'

Then Jeremy raised his ice-cold blue eyes to stare intently at the three doors. Specifically, he was fixing his gaze at the leftmost door, the \'easy\' difficulty one.

In his past life, Jeremy had actually passed the easy-difficulty door. It was solely because of his sheer good luck that he survived the ordeals.

At that time, Jeremy and 20 or so other people were fighting with the 6th wave of monsters horde. As a result of continuous fighting for five consecutive waves, there were not many people surviving at the time.

Everyone felt more and more despaired with every passing wave because the amount and strength of monsters kept increasing more and more. Within everyone\'s mind, they knew that this wave would be the last wave that they had to fight.


After this wave, there would be less than 15 people remaining within the clearing...

After this wave, they would finally be teleported out of this cursing place...

So, everyone was doing their best to survive; they were ready to do anything to secure a place within that 15 vacant slots.

With that mindset within their dark mind, they chose to backstab their comrades, whom had fought side by side with them for the past five waves of monsters.

That\'s also where Jeremy had met his first crisis in his life. While he was fighting-cum-retreating slowly to the back because the two goblins were attacking him relentlessly. He suddenly felt a cold sensation appearing on his right waist.

When he turned his head to see what had happened to his waist, he saw that there was already a deep wound there.

But how was that even possible?

They had built quite a solid formation not to let monsters get in to stab them in the back.

Still... how could he even get that wound in the first place.

Soon after, a sudden realization came into his head because when Jeremy turned his head to see the current situation, he didn\'t see his supposed \'comrade\' beside him.

That guy had intentionally let out an opening in the formation for an imp to stab him in the back.

That was... using a borrowed knife to reduce the number of people.

When Jeremy realized that fact, it was already too late. That \'comrade\' of his had already retreated to the far back, followed closely by other people after they saw that the situations were not looking good for them.

Thus, they left behind Jeremy and three other people whom had realized the truth too late to fend off the monsters on their own.

Also, right then, the situations were getting worse because most people had already retreated back.

At that time, Jeremy felt raged, resentful, and regretful.

Raged because someone had actually betrayed their own kind for their own survival...

Resentful because someone was actually coward enough to use a borrowed knife method on him...

Regretful because he actually let it happen under his own two eyes...

Right when the feeling of pain started to kick in, and he was feeling a bit dizzy from the sudden blood loss. At that moment, someone suddenly grabbed him up by the waist and then threw him 5 meters away in the direction of the 3 doors.

Afterward, that person said something that Jeremy couldn\'t hear due to the chaotic mess of the situation. Just like that, the man was killed by dozens of monsters surrounding him.

He had died gruesomely and painfully by becoming the monsters\' meal...

When Jeremy saw that he was pretty near to the doors, he stood up from the ground in a panic and then ran to the leftmost door, the easy-difficulty door, without thinking at all. He didn\'t even have time to think because the monsters were running in his direction rapidly.

Just like that, he entered the door...

When he successfully passed it and came out of the door alive. Everyone was already nowhere to be seen; they were already teleported into the next stage, leaving behind only blood trails, entrails, gruesome corpses, and... Jeremy.

Shaking his head lightly to discard those useless thoughts, Jeremy sauntered to the three doors situated at the front wall.

Slowly, the limping bodies of those sleeping people around the crystal were pushed away from his path...

Not long after, Jeremy reached in front of a door; he placed his right palm on the door\'s handle, then pushed it slightly.


When the door was opened fully, Jeremy walked in until his back disappeared into the \'dark\' room behind the door...



The easy-difficulty door shut tightly...

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