Physician's Odyssey

Chapter 614 - Flying a thousand miles to rescue

Chapter 614 - Flying a thousand miles to rescue

Translator: Thyaeria

Su Tao and Xia Yu met up in Qiongjin City’s Airport. Before they boarded the plane, Su Tao even gave a call to Jiang Qinghan and explained about the situation.

“This involves another province. Although we’re technically under the same system, it won’t be easy for me to get involved with Nanyue Province. The other party will definitely use all sorts of reasons to reject us.” Jiang Qinghan locked her brows together.

Su Tao could understand the logic behind it, and Jiang Qinghan needed time if she were to mediate in this matter. Curiously, he asked, “I’ll send you a number later. Can you help us locate it?”

“No problem!” Jiang Qinghan replied after a brief pondering.

With the current development of technology, GPS tracking devices have already reached the stage of maturity, so it’s not difficult to track the location from the phone signal.

Thus, Jiang Qinghan did not need the cooperation of Nanyue Province’s police to handle this matter. She could make use of Huainan Province’s Skynet System to track the target.

“I suspect that the culprit behind this kidnapping is the same person behind the murder in the hotel.” Su Tao analysed and continued, “If we manage to find the girl, we might be able to resolve the murder case.”

After a brief pondering, Jiang Qinghan knew that since this matter had something to do with the Love Representative Charity Funds, then Su Tao’s analysis made sense.

“I’ll get Zhang Zhen to cooperate with you.”

Zhang Zhen had already gone undercover in Yangcheng City for days. But since this matter involved another province, there wasn’t much development in the investigation.

In the end, Su Tao felt that it’s easier for him to handle this matter personally. After all, he didn’t need so much paperwork. On the contrary, the mission would be smoother with Zhang Zhen around.

“We’ll split up! I’ll rescue the hostage, and Zhang Zhen can continue to look for clues!”

“Watch your safety!” Jiang Qinghan inwardly sighed. She had a clear understanding of Su Tao’s strength, and she knew that he’s completely capable of handling this matter. But for some reason, she still felt worried about Su Tao’s safety.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ve experienced even more dangerous situations. As the saying goes, danger and fortune are akin to two sides of a coin. Wait for my news.” Su Tao was a little touched when he heard Jiang Qinghan’s concern for him. Ever since they returned from Russia, he could feel that their relationship has taken another step closer.

After an hour, Su Tao and Xia Yu reached Yangcheng City’s Airport, where they flagged a cab and headed for Chen Guang’s residence.

At this moment, Chen Guang was filled with anxiety as he hugged his head and painfully muttered, “I have already told the kidnappers that I will follow their request tomorrow and clear up the story. But they have no intention of releasing my daughter for the time being. It will all have to wait until tomorrow.”

“That also means that we have to find your daughter by tonight.” Su Tao sighed.

“Yangcheng City is so massive, so how can we find her?” Chen Guang painfully smiled.

At this moment, he collapsed. His daughter might be safe for the time being, but his daughter would definitely suffer brutality if the other party did not get what they want tomorrow.

“Please be reassured. The lady of fortune will never side with evil, and we will definitely find your daughter.” Su Tao said with confidence. He knew that he’s the only hope left for Chen Guang. If he couldn\'t give Chen Guang any faith, the latter would probably crumble completely.

Truth be told, even Su Tao wasn’t confident since the key lies in Jiang Qinghan.

In the end, Su Tao\'s patience ultimately ran out, so he gave a call to Jiang Qinghan, to which she replied in a calm tone, “I was just about to call you. Just a few minutes ago, we managed to trace the signal. The signal comes from Pagoda Street. I’ll send the exact location to you in a while.”

“Thank you!” Su Tao finally felt relieved.

Shortly after, Jiang Qinghan sent the address over to Su Tao.

After a brief pondering, Su Tao sighed, “We will now head out to rescue your daughter. Mr. Chen, stay here and wait for our news.”

“No!” Chen Guang firmly retorted and insisted, “I will go together with you guys. Otherwise, I will not feel at ease.”

“The kidnappers are brutal, and we have no idea how many companions they have. So you won’t be of much use even if you follow us.” Su Tao tried his best to persuade.

“You’re afraid that I will drag you guys down?” Chen Guang bitterly smiled.

In the end, Xia Yu sighed as he said, “I can understand your anxiety right now, but we will be going to the battlefield later, and it will be bloody.”

“Bring him along. I’ll protect him!” Liu Jianwei suddenly interrupted.

Looking at the three of them, Chen Guang felt his heart jolted. He only spent half a day with them, but for some reason, he found his confidence in them.

Chen Guang had long figured out that it was completely his action to expose the Love Representative Charity Funds. Although these three tried to make use of him, he was the one who ultimately made the call.

They could completely disregard his trouble and leave his daughter to fend for herself.

However, they weren’t cold-blooded, especially Su Tao and Xia Yu. The two of them even traveled all the way over from Huainan to Nanyue Province. Just this point alone, the three of them were worthy of his trust.

Yangcheng City’s Pagoda Street was a narrow street filled with shops for costumes, electronics, snacks, and daily necessities. The middle passage could only allow one person to fit through at a time, but it’s an entirely new scene. There were many Africans here, since this was one of the locations where Africans gathered in China. It was known as the Forbidden District by locals.

Aside from businessmen, there were also illegal immigrants here. Those illegal immigrants only move about at night as coolies for the businessmen. Due to the rapid development of China’s economy, Africans treated China as a gold mine by buying cheap goods and selling back to their countries for a fortune.

At the end of Pagoda Street, there’s a three-story house. The first story was a shop, while the second and third floors were renovated into rooms for rental. A space with about 200 square meters was renovated into a total of about forty rooms. In Yangcheng City, where every inch of land was considered gold, this could be regarded as a bargain.

In one of the rooms, two topless African men were playing with their phones with a girl tied up on the bed. The girl’s mouth was sealed with black tape, and her hair was in a mess. Her right leg had bandages while her white dress was stained with blood.

The two African men did not bother about the girl as they conversed in their own language, to which they would occasionally laugh out. Suddenly, the door was pushed open and a plump African woman appeared, winking at one of the African men. That African man was instantly attracted to another room.

Since the other African man felt somewhat bored, he glared at the girl on the bed before he said with inarticulate Mandarin, “I’ll go out briefly. Don’t move about, or I’ll beat you up!”

After the African man passed by two houses, he wore earpieces and flung his lips in disdain. He knew that his partner was currently enjoying himself, to which he felt unbalanced in his heart. Hence, he wanted to take a stroll in the streets.

Lying on the bed, the girl’s eye was on a razor blade on the table. Although her limbs were bound with injuries on her leg, she could still struggle to stand. As she tried her best to bear the pain, she finally leaped to the table before she turned around and grabbed the blade to try and cut the ropes.

Anyone could bring out their potential while being in such a situation. She might be young, but her mind was still focusing on freeing herself at this moment. It might not be easy, but she’s gradually approaching her objective.

The ropes were thick, so even if the blade was considered sharp, she only managed to cut through a small portion of it. Suddenly, footsteps resounded, to which the girl immediately jumped onto the bed and laid down.

It was a decent-looking woman who came in, and she was also the one who cut her earlier. Hence, the girl held her breath and did not dare to utter a sound. When the woman looked around in the room and noticed that the two African men weren’t around, she cursed out, “Those lazy and stupid bastards. Unreliable bunch of idiots!”

After that, the woman turned her gaze to the girl’s expression, to which she briefly examined before she went over and suddenly held onto the girl’s hair. She gave the girl two slaps before she opened up the girl’s hand and found the razor blade.

“Behave yourself if you want to live. If I discover that you’re trying to escape again, I’ll kill you.”

Tears welled up from the girl’s eyes as her hope was turned into despair.

Flicking the tears off the girl’s eyes, the woman sighed before she said in a soft tone, “I know that you’re afraid, but let me tell you a piece of good news. Your father has already agreed to my conditions, and we will release you tomorrow when there’s an outcome.”

Hearing the woman’s words, the girl finally stopped crying.

Seeing this, the woman sighed. The girl was too young and innocent to believe in her comforting words.

The girl had seen her appearance, so how could she possibly allow the girl to live?

The woman had undergone professional training, and she had no shred of humanity in her. There were a hundred that went into training together with her, but only five managed to survive.

After going through so much death of her companions, her world was all about killing. She even felt envious of the girl she kidnapped. She was an orphan, so she had no memories of her parents, nor of anyone who would help her if she’s in trouble.

Suddenly, the woman’s phone rang out. Picking up the phone, an instruction was spoken out, “Medusa, your location has been compromised. Leave the place immediately!”

There was a trace of rage in Medusa’s eyes as she subconsciously thought that Chen Guang had fooled her.

“He called the cops?” Medusa coldly asked.

“No, he didn’t. I have arranged for someone to pay attention to Su Tao, and he came to Nanyue Province half an hour ago and met up with Chen Guang. They’re currently coming towards your direction.” The other party said and continued, “According to my estimation, they will arrive at your location in ten minutes!”

As a trace of disdain flashed through Medusa’s eyes, she snapped, “Why do I have to hide? Since they want to come and look for me, then I’ll take them all down.”

“Don’t underestimate Su Tao. He has two helpers with him, Xia Yu and Liu Jianwei, and they’re pretty skilled.” A warning resounded from the other side.

“I’ll be flexible!” Medusa hung up the call and licked her lips before she swept a glance at the girl on the bed. Since they’re coming over to her den, then she’d send all of them to hell.

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