Pet King

Chapter 647: Discussing the Fall of Love Lovely Pets

Chapter 647: Discussing the Fall of Love Lovely Pets

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Zhang Zian went in the bathroom and washed his face again, to make that there was nothing wrong with his appearance.

When he came out, he saw that the two poodles were awake. The old newspapers beneath them were soaked in urine and covered in dog sh*t. No wonder the elfins were all awake, even Richard who loved to sleep in. The poodles couldn’t help it, they’d lived in cages since birth, they were never trained to go outside. Zhang Zian had expected this to happen, so he added a few layers of newspaper in their kennel, preventing the need for him to clean the floor.

Once a dog has gotten used to relieving itself in a specific location, it was hard to get it to stop, especially indoors. They could easily pick up scents, and if the lingering smell of dog sh*t wasn’t properly removed, they were likely to go in the same location again.

Zhang Zian was inclined to have the mother sterilized once Sun Xiaomeng came back from her New Years getaway. God knows how many times she had delivered, her reproductive system might be damaged. It was a miracle that she didn’t contract a disease in such a foul breeding environment.

Zhang Zian rolled up the newspaper, disposed of it, then added a fresh layer of newspapers.

“Pi, do you want to put some clothes on? I’m going to open the windows and it might get cold,” Zhang Zian said as he dug out an old cotton-padded coat from the closet.

“Zhi zhi.” Pi nodded, and with Zhang Zian’s help, put on the coat.

The coat was too big for Pi, almost covering it from head to toe. Pi waved its arms around, grinning.

Zhang Zian helped zip the coat up before opening the windows, letting all the tainted air out. Seeing that the sleeves were too long, Zhang Zian held its hand and slowly rolled up the sleeves. He felt Pi shiver, its palms were cold.

“Pi, are you cold?” Zhang Zian was worried that it was freezing.

“Zhi zhi.” Pi shook its head.

“Do you feel sick?” Zhang Zian asked.

Pi shook its head again, then typed: Just a little nervous.

“Are you nervous,” Zhang Zian thought for a moment before saying, “because the novel’s going premium soon?”

Pi went silent. After a moment, it typed: Everyone helped me, and if it doesn’t do well, I’ll have let them all down.

Zhang Zian understood why Pi was worried. Pi’s novel was doing well, due to a large number of book lists adding the book and editors constantly recommending it to readers. Once it goes premium, it should only benefit the novel, but there’ve been cases where it all went downhill after the upgrade. In those situations, it would be like letting down other authors and the editors.

“Pi, you have to believe in yourself.” Zhang Zian could only encourage Pi, even though he thought it looked pale and weak.

Zhang Zian remembered something and suggested, “I’ve seen a few authors who increased the number of updates for their books on the day they go premium, some even reached 100 updates. It’s said that increasing the number of updates helps boost your readers’ morale.”

Pi felt troubled as it scratched its head, staring down at its palms.

Zhang Zian knew that Pi didn’t type fast, although it has improved. Most of its time was spent thinking of a plot rather than typing.

Zhang Zian regretted giving the suggestion, so he quickly added, “Of course, it’s only a suggestion. If it’s not possible, then don’t force yourself.” Although Pi was usually quiet, it was surprisingly strong, or else it wouldn’t have persevered for so long when things were bad. Zhang Zian was worried that Pi would tire itself out in order to increase the number of updates on the day the novel goes premium.

Pi seemed like it had made a decision, as it typed: I’ll give it a try.

“Master! Someone’s looking for you,” Wang Qian shouted at the top of his lungs.

“Coming!” Zhang Zian shouted back.

“Pi, I’ll head downstairs first.” After taking a few steps, Zhang Zian returned for the poodles, planning to bring them down to the display case. If they continued to relieve themselves inside, he’d have to keep the windows open.

Right outside the store stood Ting Ting and Zhuang, who Zian had met in the snack bar yesterday. They seemed a little reserved, standing outside, as they enviously stared at the kittens playing in the store.

Zhuang immediately greeted Zhang Zian when he saw him, and withdrew a few documents from a briefcase he had under his armpit. “Here is our tenancy agreement, identification cards, and student cards.”

“What dog kind of is that? It’s so small and cute,” Ting Ting exclaimed after she noticed the small poodle that Zhang Zian was carrying.

“It’s a poodle.” Zhang Zian placed the puppy on the counter to let them have a better look and placed the mother into an empty display case.

Lu Yiyun’s thermos she always carried with her was next to the keyboard, the puppy wasn’t much bigger than the bottle. It curiously looked at the people around it before cautiously stepping on the keyboard. It kept scanning it environment, seemingly looking for its mother.

Wang Qian, Li Kun and Lu Yiyun weren’t there last night, so this was their first time seeing such a tiny poodle. They all asked in surprise, “Is that a Teacup Poodle?”

“No, a small poodle due to genetic mutation isn’t considered a Teacup Poodle,” Zhang Zian explained. “The size is right, but it wouldn’t cause the poodle to suffer from any diseases.”

A real Teacup Poodle’s organs were too small, causing it to die young.

“Can we take a picture?” Both Ting Ting and Zhuang took out their phones, wanting a picture to send to their friends.

“Go ahead.”

Zhang Zian left them to take their pictures, considering it as a form of advertisement. He looked at their tenancy agreement and identification cards, and took a picture for Sun Xiaomeng since she was the animals’ owner.

Ting Ting and Zhuang both carried and hugged the puppy for various shots, finally ending with a few shots that enlarged the puppy’s already big eyes.

Zhang Zian wasn’t worried that Love Lovely Pets would come looking for him after seeing the pictures as the puppy’s mother couldn’t even recognize it after they were properly washed, much less after having the picture photoshopped.

As for the Calico cat that Ting Ting and Zhuang wished to adopt, Zhang Zian had already notified Sun Xiaomeng. Sun Xiaomeng had caught wind of Love Lovely Pets’ issue and tried to get details from him, but Zhang Zian told her that he had nothing to do with the matter, emphasizing that he was at the snack bar for a while last night.

Sun Xiaomeng didn’t think much of it, and Zhang Zian didn’t elaborate, as that would’ve made her suspicious.

Zhang Zian took down some of Ting Ting and Zhuang’s identification details that weren’t sensitive, as well as their phone numbers and WeChat details, sending them all to Sun Xiaomeng.

While he was sent the message, he also received one. It was from Sheng Ke and it only consisted of two words: “Thank you.”

Zhang Zian wasn’t able to confirm or deny that he was involved, but Sheng Ke was able to guess. There was an implied understanding between the two.

Zhang Zian didn’t send a reply, instead, he went through his newsfeed and found that it was filled with discussions on Love Lovely Pets. Someone claimed that the police had stationed themselves in Love Lovely Pets Breeding Base to investigate their usage of illegal drugs. Apparently, the person in charge had been apprehended.

There was a large group of animal lovers surrounding Love Lovely Pets Breeding Base, holding up banners, and calling for legal punishment for Love Lovely Pets’ animal abuse.

Now, Love Lovely Pets only had a bad reputation, it’d be hard for them to make a comeback.

“Is the German Shepherd outside yours?” Zhuang pointed outside of the store, “It’s kind of scary, having it sit there at the entrance. It doesn’t bite, right?”

Zhang Zian looked outside. When did Famous run outside?

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