Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 277 Yara's Invitation

Damien was oblivious to the sinister schemes brewing against him and Valentina. He just had a refreshing and pleasurable morning bath with Valentina.

Now that he and Valentina had officially confessed their love to each other, he felt as if the clouds of gloominess and resentment clouding his heart were slowly becoming thinner.

All these malevolent feelings he had kept suppressed inside him. Only if a situation provoked him, he was sure all these feelings would explode.

And the more times he made love to Valentina, the more he felt like his soul was getting closer to hers though the difference was small and gradual. He even felt that his soul literally melted with hers whenever he dual cultivated with her.

It was as if he was truly becoming one with her, and the passionate feelings he had for her became even deeper.

However, his longing for Sofie hadn\'t lessened even by a fraction. Instead, it only increased as days passed. Sometimes he would feel restless thinking about finding her, but then he calms himself down, thinking that she should be alright now after everything she had suffered in his previous life.

At least in her next life, the heavens should show some sympathy and bless her with a good and happy life. That\'s what he hoped earnestly.

With a smile on his face, he made his way towards the Xeton Ethereal Foundation along with Valentina.

On his way, Luna\'s fanciful tone sounded in his mind, "Must be great to have a pleasurable morning and night with a stunning beauty every day. Now that I gave you the dual cultivation art, you seem even more diligent about it. Tsk, you don\'t even have the slightest concern for this goddess when doing such carnal acts."

Damien inwardly smiled as he said, "Don\'t tell me you are getting interested in the primal activities of a man and woman. Anyway, it\'s not like I told you to peek. Now, who is the perverted one here?"

Luna flared, "Nonsense! This goddess\'s senses are too powerful not to know what\'s happening unless I completely seal them. But it\'s not like I can do it when I have to keep an eye on you at times. Otherwise, what if someone kills you while I am asleep and too late to react. Hmph, I can\'t take that chance."

However, Damien asked in a doubtful tone, "But aren\'t you also a woman in the end? Haven\'t you ever felt like falling in love with a man? Or are all gods genderless that they don\'t mate? Don\'t tell me you just took a female form for fun."

Luna immediately replied, "Of course I am a woman. But more than that, I am a goddess, the strongest among them. Why would I ever want to fall in love with a man even if he was a god? All living beings, men and women included, are weaker than me even if they are divine beings. Do you think a phoenix would fall in love with an ant? Anyways, I am not at all interested in these things. Love is just a weakness in my eyes."

Damien chuckled, "Hmm, good question. And that\'s the interesting thing about love. Love is impartial. It doesn\'t compare one\'s status, power, beauty, or wealth. It only compares the feelings of the heart and soul. And if the ant\'s feelings were able to touch the phoenix\'s heart, I am sure the phoenix wouldn\'t even hesitate to die for the ant."

But right after he said these words, he felt a nostalgic feeling, \'Why do I feel like I heard these words before…\'

He, however, shook his head, thinking that it was just his mind playing tricks while Luna crossed her arms and harrumphed.

She obviously found Damien\'s words funny and illogical and said, "If you consider yourself the ant and make a phoenix to fall in love with you, then I will believe you. Otherwise, this is all just ludicrous."

Damien raised one of his brows, "Oh, a bet? So if I win?"

Luna\'s mesmerizing eyes narrowed as she said with a smirk, "Then this goddess will grant you one wish that I will grant after regaining all my powers. So, you could basically ask for anything. Even if you want to bring a dead person back, I can do it."

Damien smiled, "That\'s a promise. You can\'t go back on it."

"Hmph, if there\'s one thing this goddess hasn\'t broken, then those are promises."

Damien had no idea how long it would take Luna to regain her prime form and whether he would even be alive to witness it.

After all, his lifespan was just a blink of an eye for Luna. She was an immortal being while he would die of old age no matter after how many years.

Thinking about it, he felt a strange sense of sadness and yearning for immortality so that he doesn\'t even have to leave his loved ones behind.

Although him being old seemed so far away, he knew that day would surely come one day. And so, for the first time, he thought that if there was any chance he could gain immortality, he should take it for sure no matter the risks.

Beings who were immortal also had unfathomable powers, and he was sure that such powers could come in handy for him. Because of his Origin Seed, he felt like he was the only mortal with the best chance of achieving immortality.

No matter how ridiculous and far away it seemed, he remained optimistic about it.


Five days passed within the blink of an eye…

Damien had just got out after his extra class with Reva. He was about to go home with Valentina when he spotted Yara running towards them.

"Hey, I was searching for you two lovebirds," She said with sparkling eyes.

"Yara? Why were you absent today?" Valentina questioned as she tilted her head.

"Oh, today I was caught up with family affairs. They needed me for some important things, and I, unfortunately, had to take leave. Haa, I really missed your company today. Anyways, I was planning to treat you both for entering the Eternal Hall of Fame rankings. Now come on, you two. I will take you to the best restaurant in town and make you both fill your tummies with delicious food, hehe," She said while biting down on her smile.

Valentina nodded readily and tugged at Damien\'s sleeves, to which he nodded with a smile.

Yara beamed and led them towards the Seaside Front, one of the best luxury restaurants with an open setting to gaze at the beautiful seas while eating.

The Seaside Front was situated near the outer banks. The cool air from the seas made the people passing by or entering the restaurant feel relaxed and serene, as if all their frustrations in life just evaporated away.

From the outside, the restaurant looked warm, homey, and enchanting. Bricks and sandstone pillars make up most of the building\'s outer structure.

It was difficult to see through the small, curtained windows, but the music and voices from within can be felt outside. Outsiders wouldn\'t be able to see the people dining even if they were eating in the open because of the curtains.

As the trio entered the restaurant through the thick, wooden door, they were welcomed by clapping hands and overall happiness.

One of the maids was engaged in a conversation but still managed to welcome them with a smile.

It was as alluring inside as it was on the outside. Hardwood beams supported the upper floor and the huge lamps attached to them. The walls were swarming with beautiful handwritten scrolls, probably left by customers satisfied with their service.

Despite being a premium restaurant, it was packed with all sorts of nobles and wealthy people.

Damien did notice a family of commoners, but it seemed like they were dishing out their savings for a one-time meal to celebrate some occasion.

Several long tables were occupied by separate groups who, after having had quite a few drinks, seem to be trying to prove which group was the best in eating more.

"Let\'s sit over there," Yara pointed to a table with three chairs which seemed to have been reserved already by Yara.

The spot also gave a pleasant ambiance where one could enjoy eating while admiring the beautiful seas.

Many heads already turned seeing the trio, especially since all three of them were bigshot figures in different ways, while most of them, despite being nobles wasn\'t as illustrious as these three.

They had to use their utmost willpower not to stare at Valentina since her charm was so deadly that they even forgot about the food they put in their mouths.

But since they all had a dignified status in society, they hit themselves in the head and tried to focus on their business as they didn\'t want to come off as a crude person in such a public place.

After giving the orders to the maid, Yara said with an imperceptible glint in her eyes, "I am sure you two won\'t forget the taste of this restaurant\'s delicious food after eating them."

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