Epic of Bee

Chapter 115 Move Down The Food Chain

[Ashia\'s view]

Inside the long cave, I walked with Miku and Xani, each holding my hands. M&M were both walking together, arm in arm, but I couldn\'t hear what they were talking about.

Fen had shrunk, but that had only seemed to compact him, and the echo of his footsteps made me plug my ears. The tunnel was nothing more than rock walls and roof, but some of the same types of glowing fungus were that I had seen in Miku and Xani\'s hut.

Just for fun, I decided to try and scan the Fungus as we walked. Once I started scanning the different types, I was astonished by what I found.

[Item Scan] Completed!


p [Name]: Mortaris Shotiggi

*Non-Medical Nectar Use: Combined with Crystal Flower Nectar and reduced to powder will create Blasting Power

*Non-Medical Use: Creates a Bioluminescent glow when grown in dark areas and can be used as lighting.

*Medical Use: Broken down into a paste, can soothe minor burns

[Glow] (Gene) Acquired!

[Item Scan] Completed!


[Name]: Glowgori Markio

*Non-Medical Nectar Use: Combined with Crystal Flower Nectar after being ground up and then straining the Nectar out. After that, you will be able to charge the Nectar in the sunlight, and it will glow in dark places.

*Non-Medical Use: Creates a Bioluminescent glow when grown in dark areas and can be used as lighting.

*Medical Use: N/A

[Light Magic] (Gene) Acquired!

"Can we scan anything?" Xani asked as the screens popped up.

"I think so, but the Queen System will only give relevant information, so not everything will have a scan display like these," I said.

"I tried to scan something, and it worked, but I never got a Gene like you did," Miku said as we finally reached a large cave.


"Only Ashia is able to collect Gene because she has to store them. If one of you girls has scanned something that had a Gene that Ashia does not have, then the next time she goes near that thing, the Queen System will alert her of it. She can then collect the Gene without scanning them," Hilda said as she emerged from her small smoke explosion.

That was going to make life easier; I had a moment where I thought that I was going to have to go and redo everyone that the girls had. The cave was vast, and I could see a giant green turtle shell on wheels in the far left corner.

That would be Terrance, but I continued to look around at the other things, but there wasn\'t much. The one thing that drew my attention the most was the Distillery that was on the left side as soon as we entered.

There was a smaller and thinner-looking Troll that was moving around and checking on things. I turned to Fen, and he just smiled at me; he must have noticed me looking at the Distillery.

"That\'s Chipped; he\'s a bit of a weirdo among Trolls; he has a little bit too much up here, if you know what I mean," Fen said while pointing at his head.

"I think I am going to go talk to him, but I wanted to ask you something before I do. What was the problem that was causing you to have to move into the SugaBees territory?" I asked Fen.

I needed to draw the Hive task out of him, and then I could get it completed. I was pretty sure that I knew what it was, and we had already solved the problem; I just needed it said out loud so the Queen system would recognize it and submit the Hive Task to me.

"Yes, we are being forced out of our mountain range by another Goblin Blooming, but they have a new king now. The old King would only allow the Bloomings to happen once every five years, but the new King puts no restrictions on them. So, they are taking up all the Nectar to make a barely edible paste to feed the ever-growing population," Fen explained, and at the same time, I got what I needed.

[Hive Task] Activated!

[Perverted Blooming]: Help the Rock Trolls solve their Goblin Problem and Crystal Flower Nectar shortage. Completed!

[Reward]: HexScape Platform! 5 Hex Points gained!

[Would you like to complete this Hive Task?] Yes/No?


I would really have to get on those Hex Points, and there was also to check how many Hive Points I had. More things to do, but that could be done while I relaxed.

"Well, I think that we have solved that problem for you. Though, if something isn\'t done about the goblins, they will become a problem for the SugaBees. Right now, I can\'t do anything about it, but we will look into it in the future," I said, and Fen smiled at me, and I was about to turn to the Distillery, but I froze.


The sounds sent vibrations through my entire body, and I was instantly set on edge. I looked at Fen, and all traces of the friendly Troll were gone, and a mean and hard expression was on his face.

"They are back, ALL TROLLS TO YOUR QUEEN!" Fen bellowed.

"Ryan and the others are protecting the top air shaft, but there are hundreds of them," John said as he appeared about a meter in front of me, and Will appeared beside him, but Will was already covered in blood.

"Less than five hundred, and they aren\'t like the ones that we have faced before. I killed fifteen of them before I was swarmed and had to escape. They are not as strong, and the big one isn\'t with them," Will said as he looked around the room.

I should have known this would happen, but there was nothing for it now. There was no way on this green earth that I was going to lose!

"I want to move as a unit, and we need to get back to the ship so I can activate the defense system and the drones. My people are out there and refuse to lose even one person today! We are stronger than them, and we will stop them dead in their tracks! Today, we become the Predators!" I said, projecting my confidence to all of my subjects.

The time for running was now over, and the mountain shook from the roaring battle cries that erupted when I was done talking. The Predators were about to move down the food chain.

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