Epic of Bee

Chapter 159 Snap, Crack

I pulled up the screen for the Hive Task and activated it. Then we just had to wait for the snap and crack of the air splitting open, which came almost the instant after I activated The Final Hive Task.

*Snap! Crack!*

I watched as two doorways appeared from out of nowhere, and two beautiful goddesses stepped out of the portals. Both Serria and I both stood to greet the women that were both wearing Beautiful dresses.

"Seems like you have gotten into more trouble again!" Beezli said with a smile as she walked out and came over to me, opening her arm to me.

"Trouble? I am just doing my job, that is all, and the hive is growing!" I said as I hugged Beezli.

"Yes, well, I will look after things for you for a little bit while you take your next step in life," Beezli said, and I let go of her and looked at Beezli strangely.

"Next step? What are you talking about?" I Asked Beezli.

I could see that Pelleta had already taken Serria off to the side, so it was just my goddess left at my bed and me.

"This is part of the reason that I am here. Now that you have completed the last Hive Task, it is your turn to take the next step in your evolution," Bezzli explained to me, but I still had so much to do!

"How long will this take?" I asked with worry in my voice, and Beezli\'s reply did not make me feel better.

"Three days, but this is necessary, and again, this is part of the reason why I am here. During the time that you will be out, I will be going through your Subjects and getting the rest of the evolution finished," Beezli explained to me, but I was still stressed about being asleep for three days.

"How am I supposed to leave right now?! Even if you are going to do all the evolutions, there is still so much more that I have to do!" I complained, but Beezli just smiled at me.

"I know what you need to get done right now, and we have been watching, so we will know what needs to be done in these three days. When you wake up, we will be outside the snake village, but you will change, and everyone will be as well," Beezli explained.

I didn\'t want to worry, but it was hard not to, and even though it was Beezli, I had been looking after these people this entire time. It almost felt wrong to just leave my responsibilities to others, but I needed to get stronger.

"Okay, so I just go and start my evolution? I am not going to say goodbye to my other wives?" I asked, but like it was on cue, the Levi-Ston pad started to lower.

As it did, I watched all my Wives fly down into the room and then fly over to where I was standing with Beezli. Each of the girls had warm smiles on their faces, and after they landed, the girls came over to stand with me.

"So, it is finally time for the big boss with the hot sauce to get her evolution!" Miasma said with a smile after giving me a long kiss.

"Yeah, I am not sure how I feel about this, though. I will be gone for three days, and I just feel like this isn\'t the right time for me to be doing this," I said, but Messia came over and took my hands in hers.

"There will never be enough time for everything, Ashia. I know that there is a lot of stuff going on, but at the same time, I think that this is a perfect time for you to do this," Messia said and then gave me a kiss, but I looked at her funny.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, right now, there are a lot of small things that need to be done, and I know how much you don\'t like having to run around so much. So, I think that this is the best thing for you at the point," Messia explained, and the Xani came up to me.

"We will watch over everyone while you are improving yourself. You know that you can trust all of us to get the things done that need to be," Xani said with a smile, and I took a deep breath in and then let it out.

Maybe everyone was right, and I had to take a lot more deep breaths lately to calm myself down. A break might be in order, but it was still hard to let go of the responsibility that I had been in control of this entire time.

"Okay, how do we get started then?" I asked, and Beezli smiled at me.

"You just need to go up and sit on the platform I suggested to Gamble to build. Now that you have the final Hive Task completed, it will activate as soon as you sit down," Beezli explained, and I nodded.

I turned back to my wives, and then one by one, each one of them came and gave me a hug and kiss. I almost felt like I was saying goodbye to all the girls, but I knew that it wasn\'t the case; it just felt that way.

"Okay, let\'s get this started, but I want you all to make sure that we get some information out of the Elephant Folk women. I want to be ready to assault the Predators hideout when I wake up," I said to the gathered women and goddesses.

"Yes, we will get everything done and ready for you; you do not need to worry," Beezli said with a smile, but that made me roll my eyes at her.

"That is the worst thing that you could say right now! Don\'t say that I don\'t need to worry; that is just going to make me think about what I should be doing!" I complained, but all the women laughed at me, and I was herded to the Evolution platform.

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