Epic of Bee

Chapter 186 Hit All The Essential Points

I followed Tag and Sig through the Honey Gate and arrived on the Navigation level. M&M, Serria, Raine, and a group of new people I had yet to meet were waiting for me with big smiles.

"These are the Snake Folk?" I asked as I walked forward, and my wives all nodded to me, but then a shorter and older woman with soft blue skin and cloudy white patches stepped forward.

"So, you are the big boss Queen Bee of this place? I was not really sure what I was expecting… I like your colors, but that is not why I am meeting with you. My name is Nala, and I am the leader once again, thanks to your people," Nala said to me with a bow, and I nodded my head.

"Thank you for the compliment. I just completed my first evolution, so it is all new to me as well, but I am glad that we were able to help get things squared around. Now that I am here, I am sure that you know what I want to ask you," I said with a knowing smile, and Nala rolled her eyes at me like I was some half-wit.

"Yes, you want us to join your little tea party and then help you take over the world? I don\'t know if we are built for fighting like the people that you already have, so what would you want us for?" Nala asked, but that was when Seshia walked up beside Nala and put a hand on her arm.

"I don\'t think that is what this Queen intended, or she would not be asking us if we wanted to join, right? I don\'t think that we could refuse if she were to take that route. So, what reason would she have to ask us if we wanted to join or not?" Seshia explained, and I nodded to Nala.

"Precisely, I have no need to ask you, but you are right about me not needing more warriors at the moment, but we can never have enough people that are good at healing and doing research. I also think that your people will probably be good at growing the different kinds of herbs and roots that you use in your medications," I explained to them, and then Serria stepped up beside me.

"Yes, and if we work together, we can figure out other new ways to heal people that might be better than the current way that we are now! I think that you and your people joining us will be excellent for everyone involved!" Serria said with excitement, but something still seemed to be bothering Nala.

"Is there something else? You seem like something is holding you back from making the decision. Are you worried about losing the place that you just got back? I can understand that it is hard to give up control, but I promise to keep everyone\'s best interests in mind as we move forward," I explained, and Nala let out a long sigh and then looked me in the eyes.

"I am more concerned with what will happen when we do join. You already have so many people; how are you going to keep track of everyone and be able to help the people that need it?" Nala asked with a serious expression, but I reached out and took one of Serria, Messia, and Miasma\'s hands and looked back up at Nala with a warm smile.

"You should have noticed already, but I am not in this alone, and I have many people helping me to make sure that everyone is taken care of. I can\'t help everyone, but I have systems in place and people to help when I cannot," I explained, and that seemed to be what Nala weighed to hear, but she still turned to Seshia.

"What do you think? This all seems like to good of a deal, so I want your opinion," Nala asked Seshia, and she stepped back in shock like she had been struck.

"You want to know what I think? After everything that I have done to you and our people?" Seshia asked, and Nala looked like she was about to hit her for real this time.

"Don\'t be so uncontrollably stupid! We all know that the Predators were controlling you, and you were a good person before all of this happened. So yes, I would like to know your opinion, but don\'t take all day. I am sure that the Queen has many other things that she needs to get to and take care of," Nala told Seshia, and she nodded her head quickly.

"I think that it is an excellent idea. It\'s exactly like you say, and it always has been. We are not fighters, and the Queen is offering her protection for us to join and keep on doing what we always have done. If we join, we will also get the same kind of special improvements that her other subjects have!" Seshia said and then looked to me for confirmation, and I nodded.

I don\'t think I could have painted the picture better myself, and Seshia had hit all the essential points to them and their people. Nala nodded to Seshia with a small smile and then turned to me.

"Well, I did ask her, and I would be a fool to refuse after all those valid points were made. Yes, I would like the Snake Folk Village to join you, Ashia," Nala said, but I didn\'t have time to tell everyone to close their eyes.

Luckily, the light didn\'t seem to bother anyone this time, and I was glad after how many times I had flashed people. Nala and Seshia were both wearing the same styles of while lab coats that had the golden hex pattern around the bottom.

The rest of Nala\'s people wore varying styles of outfits, but they were all white with the hexes around the bottoms. I was about to pull up my scanning system, but then something different happened.

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