Epic of Bee

Chapter 203 Neko Neko NRG!

At about twenty feet from the targeted destination, I made everyone slow down. I didn\'t want to go rushing in there and aggravate whatever Pendra was right now.

"I don\'t know what this is going to be like, but try not to hurt her. I also don\'t want you to be putting yourself in danger either, that goes for all of you," I said, looking at Granthus as well, and then I turned to Serria in her NekoBee and put out my hand, but she shook her head and put out her hand.

"You should let me take the lead this time; I don\'t know if that Gatling gun will work a one a smaller target, and I can give her extra healing," Serria said to me, and I nodded, taking her hand and I sent the request for her to active the merge.

[MechaBee Merge]:  Battle Cat NurseBee Form, Activated!

The merge was different this time, and I felt a lot different right away. It was almost like I was in the transition darkness where I couldn\'t move or feel my body, but this time I could see.

"Are you okay? It was a bit shocking for me at first, too, but it doesn\'t take long to get used to; there are things that you will be able to do from inside," Serria explained to me as I looked over our new specs.

"Not going to lie, this is pretty good, and I don\'t mind sitting around, hehe," I said over the intercom.

"Don\'t get used to it; you are a way better fighter than me, and I might need your help," Serria told me.

"You will do fine, according to this, and all you have to do is get a hold of her. So think of it as you trying to catch her, and you will do fine. I will activate a Wax-nade Prison, and then I will trigger the gas release for the BeeBliss Spray, piece of cake," I said to her, and I could see the Cat Nurse MechaBees eye-roll in her head from one of the floating triple hexes.

"Easy for you to say," Serria complained but moved forward into the cave that we had arrived at.

A quick scan of the room found our target, and there were still vital signs coming from inside the black oily undulating mass that was in the center of the cave. At first, the blob didn\'t move as we all surrounded it, but as soon as we started close on it, it jumped straight into the air.

I followed it up to the roof and sent it to Serria\'s HUD as a red outline.

"Don\'t let it get out of here!" I told everyone, but that was easier said than done.

"Don\'t worry about it leaving. If it wanted too, it would have already left, but I think that the LichTar knew you were coming," Granthus called out as he tore a long tear in reality as he ran; parts starting to pour out to create robots that chased after the black ooze spot that seems to be playing catch with us instead of wanting to fight.

Or that is what I thought it was trying to do until it leaped for Sig, but Tag let out a jet stream of fire, blasting it away.

"It will want to take over one of us living creatures, and then the rest of us if it can," Granthus said, and I agreed with him.

"You have to hurry, I am going to activate your system boost, and then you have to end this!" I said to Serria.

"Got it!" Serria replied, and I activated it.

[Neko Neko NRG!] Activated!

I felt a chill run through our body, and a hair-raising feeling started as the Battle Cat NurseBee bent her legs. I was locked onto the Lichtar, and Serria burst forward like a gunshot, but it moved at the last second, jumping away, but Serria turned on a dime and sprang towards it.

It bounced off the roof, and floor, always just before she could catch it, but then the room started to get hot and windy. I scanned the room to find that Tagsig was in his dragon form that was flying backward using jets while breathing fire.

At the same time, Granthus had created carts that were wheeling around the room and spraying fire into the center of the room. At first, I didn\'t get it, but then I noticed that the Lichtar had less room to move, and it was starting to slow down.

Granthus was staying outside of the cavern now. The rest of us could take the heat, but the Lichtar was starting to steam.

I could now track it a lot better, so I prepared for Serria\'s strike. Finally, it was too slow on its rebound to jump away, and Serria pounced on it.

Immediately I activated the Wax-nade, and we were inside of one of the soccer ball prisons. The Lichtar tried to start covering up, but Serria had already activated the BeeBliss Spray and was filling the chamber up with golden gas.

"Do you think that it will work?" Serria asked me, and in truth, I really wasn\'t that sure, but if it could heal a God, then it should be able to heal Pendra.

"I think so, but like Granthus said, there has to be something in there left to save. If the Lichtar has completely taken Pendra over, then I don\'t think that anything will save her," I said.

As the two of us talked, we were completely unaware of the battle that was raging inside of Pendra. There was still something in there.

The problem was that life had already taken its fair share from her. There was also something else inside of there with her.

She was being given the opportunity to escape her life by someone. After all that she had been put through, she was being given a choice.

A chance to run away from all the misery she had been put through.

Would Pendra Give into Tyler\'s offering to become a Fallen for a chance to become a Timeduss? The same deal that was offered to Granthus twelve thousand years ago?

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