Epic of Bee

Chapter 236 The Self-Proclaimed Not God

"Are you sure about this?" Atom asked me in my mind after we had stopped to get something to eat from the Crystal Flowers.

I was kind of hoping that we would find something other than the Nectar, but there wasn\'t really anything that I could eat down here. There were some mushrooms, but I didn\'t really like mushrooms before, so I couldn\'t really see myself liking them now.

"You know that I don\'t do things lightly, even if I don\'t always think them through before doing. I know that you and the others think that this is a bad idea, but whatever is on the other side of that barrier needs to be dealt with one way or another!" I sent back as Helaina floated along beside me.

​ We were just coming up to the cave where I could sense Kiliada was waiting for us, or just waiting. While I was sure that he was probably just watching for other people trying to enter, I was sure that he was watching for us as we approached, and the squealing metal sections stopped spinning.

"Back again? Have you changed your mind since we last talked?" Kiliada, the Ravager, asked me, but I shook my head.

"What can you tell me about the creature that is sealed away? If you think that the barrier that is sealing it away is about to collapse, then someone is going to have to deal with it before whatever is in there gets out, right?" I asked, but Kiliada shook his head with a sigh.

"You said that you were going to wake up Rai Cait? Why would you need to deal with the Demon Neko Ninetails...wait, where are you going? HEY! Stop!" The Skeletal Monstrous body of the Ravager said as Kiliada put himself in between me and the entrance to the tunnel.

I had heard more than enough, and I was going to get myself a Nine Tailed Cat! I was out of pet slots, but I would just have to figure out something, but I wasn\'t leaving without it.

"No, get out of my way, or I will meet you, and I don\'t want to do that, so move," I said plainly, with my arms crossed above and below my breasts.

"This isn\'t like your Cat Dragons; the creature behind there is much stronger than the other two guards. I suggest that you fight them first, and then check it out if you think you are ready, okay?" Kiliada asked me, and I shook my head with my arms crossed, and he sighed.

"Just move; if I win against it, then I won\'t have to fight with the other two because they will see how much stronger I am than them, right?" I asked, about ready to grab this skinless humped back gutless metal cat by the teeth and toss him.

"No! Even Rai Cait couldn\'t kill her! What makes you think that" Kiliada started to say, but Helaina put up a hand to stop him.

"Stop, this is pointless. Can\'t you see that no amount of anything that you say is going to change the way she feels? Ashia has made up her mind," Helaina explained, and that seemed to be enough to get him to step aside, but not quite him.

"This is madness! To think, I was actually starting to like you!" Kiliada said, but I turned and glared at him.

"When I come back, you had better be ready to become the best God Damn Battleship that this world has ever seen! Understand me?" I said menacingly, and the Ravager shrunk back but nodded.

"Aye, Captain, If you return with my greatest foe. Then my service and even that of my Emperor will be yours; I assure you that he would not miss the chance," Kiliada said as he bowed his head to me.

As we floated out and into the tunnel, Helaina let out a long sigh.

"Why did you need to be so insistent about it? Don\'t you think that was a bit harsh to order him to be your battleship?" Helaina asked, and I nodded my head as we came up to the split into the tunnel.

"The whole point of that act was to build up to that point, so I could ask that question. This is a General that we were dealing with. So this is what  I figured would be the best way to enlist him. I gave him a choice, but he is a man and a fighter, so I will prove my worth with this battle, but I also hope to skip this battle," I said as we took the right tunnel that headed to the ultra-black barrier that I could see, but there was no kind of signature on my sensors or map.

I could feel something up ahead, but there was something covering it, and that must be what was sealing it in. I was curious to see this creature, but I was also fully prepared to fight if I had to.

"What do you mean by skipping this battle? Do you think that you will just be able to talk your way out of the fight?" She asked, and I just shrugged, making her throw up her hands. "Fine, leave me out here, and you go play with the Demon Cat, and I will hope that you come back out."

"Thank you. You know? I wish you could have just been like that in the first place! You know I\'ll be back, so stop being such a worry wort and wait for me to finish with this creature, okay?" I asked, taking her face in my hand and using the other set to put her closer to me.

"I will try, but reasons for you not to go are piled high, even if you compare it to your ego. Something that a God couldn\'t defeat doesn\'t sound like something that you, the self-proclaimed not God," Helaina said, but then I pulled her face close to me and kissed her, preventing her from going on.

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