Epic of Bee

Chapter 284 Seemed Like It Was Done...

I fought through the desert, taking down hordes of Ravagers that just kept coming at me. I was getting tired, but I refused to give up. I had to win this; there was no other option for me. After what felt like forever, I finally made it to the end of the desert, and in front of me was a large city made out of stone that looked ancient.

As soon as I entered, the Meccat King appeared in front of me again, with a large group of Ravagers behind him. He looked different; he had multiple arms now, and his body was much larger than the others behind him.

"You\'re not giving up, are you?" The Meccat King said as he charged toward me with his army right behind him.

I dodged out of the way and slashed at him with my blades, but he was too fast for me and dodged out of the way effortlessly before counterattacking with his own blades. We continued fighting like this for some time until he finally started to slow down from all the damage I had inflicted on him. Seizing my opportunity,  Nectargy energy surged through my body once again as it created an aura around me. I blasted him away from me into a nearby building that collapsed on top of him beneath all the rubble.

When everything settled after dusting off myself, I walked over cautiously toward where he lay beneath all debris, looking for any sign of movement but found none. It seems like, finally, this battle has come to an end, or that was what I wanted, but that is not the case.

The landscape around us changed once again into what looked like some type of magical forest filled with strange creatures I had never seen before in my life, but they were all mechanical. This was all just another one of the stupid levels of the Trial, and I should have known that it was too easy. The Meccat King must have cheated somehow to make himself look weaker than he actually was.

I fought through the forest, taking down anything that moved, but it seemed like no matter how many I killed, they just kept coming. I was getting tired, and my energy was running low, but I refused to give up. After what felt like forever, I finally made it to the end of the forest, only to come face-to-face with the Meccat King yet again.

He looked different, though; he had two arms now, and his body was much larger than before. He also had a new weapon that looked like a large hammer made out of metal that he swung at me with all his might as soon as he saw me.

I dodged out of the way and slashed at him with my blades, but this time they had no effect at all, and I was kicked back into a tree.

"Getting tired yet, Little Queen?" The Meccat King asked as I rolled out of the way of a double hammer strike.

I refused to speak and wasted energy, pulling out two SMGs from my chest as I jumped, and my wings made me pick up speed before flying into the air and unloading an entire clip into his face.

The Meccat King was momentarily stunned as I flew behind him and unloaded another clip into his back before he turned around and swatted me out of the air like a fly. I hit the ground hard, but I got back up quickly, determined to finish this fight once and for all.

He charged at me again with his hammer raised, but this time I was ready as I leaped out of the way yet again before charging my blade full of Nectargy and using them to slice through his stomach wires. He dropped his hammer in pain as he clutched at his stomach, trying to hold himself together while sparks flew out everywhere.

I didn\'t give him a chance to recover, though, as Nectargy\'s energy surged through my body once more, giving me a boost of strength as I grabbed onto his head with one hand before slamming it down into the ground repeatedly until there was nothing left but a pile of mush. It seemed like; finally, this battle had come to an end for good this time, or so I thought, as the world shifted.

"You are a coward!" I screamed as a cityscape appeared around me. "Fight me like the man you claim to be, robot cat!"

"You got two more of us before that can happen, Little Queen, but I control them all!" The Meccat king boomed, but his voice came from behind me much louder.

I turned around to see two more of the Meccat Kings, each one with a different weapon. One had a large sword, while the other had what looked like a Gatling gun. They both charged at me as I leaped out of the way and started flying into the air.

The one with the sword swung at me, but I dodged out of the way before unloading my clip into his face. The other Meccat King tried to shoot me down with his Gatling gun, but I was too fast for him as I flew in circles around him, dodging every shot while unloading my clip into his back, but the SMG was having little to no effect, and I was getting tired of playing games.

"Hilda!" I called out as booth Meccat king copies came at me but then were blasted back as my body blew apart.

[DragonBee mode] Activated!

[Give them your best, my Queen! All systems are good to go!] Hilda called as my body started to reform into my DragonBee form, making me tower over them.

I flew at the one with the sword, and as he swung at me, I breathed fire on him, melting his sword and burning his face off. He screamed in pain as he dropped to the ground, clutching his face while he writhed in agony.

The other Meccat King tried to shoot me down with his Gatling gun again, but this time I was too fast for him as I flew up into the air and then came down hard on top of him, crushing him beneath my weight. He struggled to get free, but there was no escape for him as I blasted both of them with fire until they were nothing more than melted remains.

It seemed like finally, this battle had come to an end for good this time; however, just as before, the landscape around us changed once again into what looked like some type of magical forest again, but I was done with games. I pointed in the direction of the center of the city, and cannons formed on my arms as I burst forward, blasting down all the barriers as I smashed my way to the center.

The Meccat King was there waiting for me with a large army of Ravagers behind him, but I didn\'t give him a chance to speak as I opened fire on him with my cannons, blasting him and his army into oblivion. It seems like, finally, this battle has come to an end for good this time as the landscape around us changed back into the city center.

"You have fought well, Little Queen, but this is where your journey ends!" The Meccat King said as he appeared in front of me yet again with a new weapon in hand; however, I was done and flew straight up.

"Hive Cannon!" I called, and my body transformed from the DragonBee and became a triangular hexagonal cannon.

I pointed in the direction of the center of the city, aiming directly for the king, and fired a large purple beam of energy that sliced through everything in its path, including the Meccat King, blasting him into pieces until there was nothing left but scraps.

I let my body transform back and slowly descended to the top of the pyramid-like structure that had a laser cut through it that was still glowing in some spots with heat coming up from it. There was laughter, and I turned to see that the Meccat\'s king was still in one piece.

"You think you have won just because you destroyed my body?! I am not some simple machine that can be turned off so easily! I am the Meccat King, and I will have my revenge!" The Meccat King said as his body started to change yet again.

I was getting tired of this, but it seemed like he was too. He split into three copies of himself, each one with a different weapon. One had a large sword while the other had what looked like a Gatling gun, and the last one had two large claws.

They all charged at me as I leaped out of the way, but then Shiva\'s voice made all of us freeze.

"That\'s enough, all of you!" Shiva said as she appeared in front of us. "The Trial is over; My Queen has proven herself worthy."

"No! This cannot be! I will not accept this!" The Meccat King said, but Shiva didn\'t give him a chance to speak as she blasted him with a bolt of energy that sent him flying back into the distance until he was nothing more than a speck.

"As for the rest of you," Shiva said as she looked at all the Ravagers around us. "You are now the protectors of the Queen, and you will serve as her personal guard for her and all of our people because, as of today, the Meccat will now follow the Queen of the All, Ashia!"

This was all fine and dandy, but as Shiva was announcing my victory, I lost consciousness and blacked out from exhaustion.

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