Epic of Bee

Chapter 301 End Of The Tellarider

"Only way to settle it!" Sig laughed, and the two mecha dragons played best out of five, even after Tag had lost at three. "Ha! The crunchy bad body is mine! Make sure that you kill that thing and don\'t become its slave, sucker!"

"Whatever, man. Just be careful," Tag said as Sig flew off towards the Geosect\'s head.

Tag charged at the Geosect\'s body, using his powerful strength and size to flip it over, exposing its ten-foot legs that it used to dig in the stone with. It was these legs that were Tag\'s target, and he quickly began to slice them off with his claws until there was nothing left but stumps.

The Geosect screamed in pain, thrashing around wildly as it tried to bury itself again. But with its legs gone, it could only flop helplessly in the dirt.

"Now!" Tag yelled, and Sig flew in from above, slamming his head into the Geosect\'s skull and killing it instantly. Tag bit the head of the massive insect off and crunched it down as Tag was already transforming back to his normal form and entering the SugaBees Hive.

Anything thing in here was an enemy, and his only purpose was to hunt down the Tellarider, killing and then burning this thing to the ground. A goblin rushed him, but Tag smashed his hand to the side like his Queen, pulled out a BeeBliss spear, and cut the creature in half as he dashed forward.

Tag cut down anything that dared to get in his way as he made his way toward the center of the hive, where he knew the Tellarider would be hiding.

He found her in a large chamber, surrounded by its followers. The creature was a large black praying mantis-looking thing with long claws and large eyes.

"So you are the one who has been causing so much trouble." Tag snarled, lunging forward and killing any Goblins and SugaBees got in his way, but was quickly dispatched.

The Tellarider hissed and swung its claws at Tag.

Tag dodged easily and jabbed his spear into the creature\'s side. It screeched in pain and lashed out with its claws, slicing Tag\'s arms open. He ignored the pain and kept attacking, driving the Tellarider back until it was cornered.

"Any last words?" He asked, raising his spear for the killing blow.

"I… will… never… give up!" The creature hissed, and then Tag brought his spear down, impaling it through the head.

The Tellarider\'s body convulsed for a moment and then was still. Tag pulled out his spear and watched as the body dissolved into a black liquid that oozed onto the floor.

He turned as he heard Sig fly into the room. "Is it dead?" Sig asked.

"Yes." Tag replied tiredly. "It\'s dead."

"Well, that is one major problem down with," Sig said, clapping his brother\'s shoulder, but Tag shook his head.

"Something about what the creature said is bothering me. It said that it will never give up, but I don\'t know what that means," Tag said as he rubbed his head as he looked around at all the dead bodies. "This isn\'t my most excellent work, but even the one that I didn\'t kill ar now dead after I killed the Tellarider. I don\'t know how to feel about this all."

"You did what you had to do, brother," Sig said, resting a hand on Tag\'s shoulder. "Now, let\'s go home."

Tag nodded, and the two mecha dragons turned and flew out of the SugaBees Hive, leaving the dead bodies behind them. Once outside, the two turned, and both of them combined and then blasted the place till even the stone around where the Geosect had been was melted. Nothing would be left of this place, and Tag hoped that it would be enough to stop the Tellarider for good.


"I just got word that Tagsig is on their way back, so it is time to get everyone moved over to the... what do I call the new ship?" I asked as we all walked up to the Honey Gate.

"What about the Super Otter Bee Mega Cat Battleship?" Miku asked, and I giggled.

"I like your spirit, but I think that is a bit much!"

"Mega Bee Drone Ship?" Miasma asked as she cuddled into me, and I kissed her.

"That is getting closer," I said as I looked at everyone. "But we need something that shows that this is a ship and not just a big Otter."

"Battleship?" Miku asked, and I nodded.

"That will work well since it will have mini bee fighters, and we can even put some guns on it! Not to mention the fact that it can change shape!" I exclaimed, and everyone cheered. So the new ship was christened, The Super Otter Bee Mega Cat Battleship Mk II, or SOBMCB for short. Somehow the name even got longer, but YOLO.

The moment that I walked through the honey gate, I was attacked by balls flying furballs that were meowing like crazy as they flew around me.

"Ashia!" All my cat dragons cried, and I opened my arms to catch the three of them. I pulled Aton, Thanos, and Tigra into my chest, fur and face, and they all started to purr as I stroked their fur with my free hands. Then I did a funky dance as Hexi suddenly started crawling up my leg, surprising me, to say the least.

"I am sorry I haven\'t come and got you all yet!" I apologized as I kissed my cat\'s heads. Hexi also slithered around my neck, and I rubbed the top of her head.

"It is more than fine. You are a Queen, and we knew that you would be back, but watching your first with Brand was very intense to watch and not be able to help," nuclear green Atom explained, and I scratched under his chin and rubbed my nose in his.

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