Soul for a Girlfriend?

Chapter 129 - I Didn't Do Anything

Standing near the doorway with Tsumen next to me, we were watching the drama unfold before our eyes. Tsūmen was looking at this whole thing with a small smirk on his face. Looking over at Gaisen, I could tell that he was quite concerned about her.

"Yeah... I do…" Kizhashi nodded her head in approval in a low voice after Isobe asked her if she forgave them or not.

"T...Thanks!" Uyeno looked at her and said with a bit of hesitation.

"What was that all about!?" The scene was over and Uyeno was about to walk off and several comments were being thrown at her that were obviously meant for her to listen.

"So Uyeno acts all that high, but she is like this?"

"Uyeno bowed her head?! No way!"

"What the hell happened over here!?" Uyeno was glancing around her and her eyes were glaring with rage. She was about to say something, but Isobe grabbed her hand and dragged her along herself.

I could tell that Uyeno was completely pissed off about her pride getting hurt in this situation. My only aim was to make her stay away from Kizhashi, but hurting her pride was something I did for fun.

We were standing in silence, but the crowd around was in quite the uproar but they were leaving too. Kizhashi turned towards us with an awkward smile and a dumbfounded look.

"That was quite the show." Kana commented and laughed.

"Sure it was!" Tsūmen replied to her and then turned his gaze towards Kizhashi and asked, "What was all that about?"

"I don\'t even know what the hell she was talking about." Kizhashi shrugged as if she knew nothing, but Gaisen and Kizhashi were the only ones who knew what happened.

"Anyways, let\'s go… we already got quite late for the selection." Kizhashi added and looked at me before walking off. She was quite tense, as her shoulders were stiff.

"Ah yeah yeah… let\'s move." Kana joined her and waved at us, "See you later, retards!"

"Back at you." Tsūmen yelled and Kana just flipped him off to which we shared a laugh.

"Guys, I have to go to my club too, so see you later, losers!"

"Sure Virgin!" Gaisen waved at him with a smug that was really out of character for him.

"Shut your trap!" Tsūmen cursed him and left.

It was just the two of us standing near the doorway. I leaned against the wall and sighed. Gaisen was looking at me with narrow eyes and he opened his mouth.

"So… it was weird, wasn\'t it?"

"Yeah, kind of odd." I nodded as my eyes wandered out the corridor at students passing by our class.

"Yeah, I never thought Uyeno-san is the type of girl to apologise to someone." Gaisen laughed awkwardly and put his hands in pocket.

"Of course because she has a big ego." Gaisen was trying to continue a conversation, but it was really awkward for me to continue a forced conversation.

"Kizhashi-san was quite embarrassed." He said, and it looked like he was building up a moment to ask me something. So making his work easier, I directly asked him.

"You want to say something to me?"

"Not really." He looked at me in surprise and shook his head in denial.

"Then stop looping around and come straight to the point." I said with a slight smile on my face  which may not have been visible to him.

He looked at me for a few moments and asked, "You did something, didn\'t you!?"

"What do you mean?" I asked him, as I couldn\'t tell him what I did. He would surely beat me to a pulp if he knew what I did.

"See, I know how Uyeno-san is. It\'s impossible for something like this to happen." He shrugged.

"And?" I was trying to press on him to make him talk more so that I can give a vague answer and get out of this conversation.

"You said something about helping me with this ordeal, so I\'m pretty sure I moved the strings here." I knew he was talking about our agreement at the park that day. I sure told him that I would help but I never intended to expose my plans so I can\'t tell him.

"Do I look like a guy who can pull something like this off?" I asked with an awkward smile and actually made him ponder for a few moments.

"You do." He nodded with such confidence that it sure looked like I was a manipulative piece of shit. Oh...wait… maybe I\'m one.

"Listen, all I\'ll say is that I didn\'t do anything prominent. But sure I did something. That\'s it." Since I didn\'t want to lie to him, because it can create unnecessary problems in the future, I decided to vaguely tell him about what I did.

"So you did something, after all!" His eyes sparked up as he clapped his fist on his palm of the other hand.

"Yes and rest assured because Uyeno will never come near her again." I said in an assuring tone.

"Wai...wait… how can you be so sure?" He asked me hesitantly, hearing the commitment in my tone.

"Oh I\'m damn sure."

"Saishi… what the hell did you actually do!?" He narrowed his eyes on me.

"Gaisen… see man… you\'re my friend… but there are things that should be kept to oneself."

"I know that… but I\'m just curious."

"Well nothing interesting, so don\'t worry… and you can relax about Kizhashi now. Though… I\'ll keep looking after her." I said and patted him on the shoulder.

"Relax… huh?" He sighed, and after a slight pause added, "Looking after her…"

"Yeah… that\'s because see, you two aren\'t really dating, but you look good together, you know?" 

"Agh! Don\'t ship us!" Hearing my comment, he looked at me nervously with tensed eyebrows and a hint of blush on his pale cheeks.

"I never said I ship you." I said with a cheeky smile. Looking at his reaction, I was about to tease him, but he turned away to hide his blush and waved at me.

"I...uh… I gotta go. See you."

Maybe they did like each other after faking it for so long. If they did indeed, then Gaisen is the prime example of the saying, "Fake it till you make it." This thought brought a silly smile to my face

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