Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 164: Boring

Chapter 164: Boring

- Eddy Gamma Pov -

Damn ... what a boring day. In this Fortress the blessed ones have taken so long to kill the monsters and I already read all the books I bought... what a bore. At least I\'m not the one who\'s invading this time. This is one of the advantages of being a government agent. While the Blessed Ones invade the Fortress and take risks by going through all those dangers, I stay here safe, secure, just commanding other people, and I receive a monthly salary as high as they are getting, hehe.

As boring as it is to stay here for many hours, it\'s easy money, so what? I struggled to pass a government contest, now I have to enjoy my easy life.

Looking at the clock, I saw that it has only been two hours. It usually takes at least five hours to clean a Fortress like this... I will still have three more hours of boredom ... arrgh, maybe I should download some game on my cell phone.

* * Clomp, clomp, clomp, thud * *

Suddenly, while I\'ve been unfocused, the sound of footsteps and an abnormal movement started to appear around me. Until a thud came, and the people around me have now started running towards the noise.

Hearing this has made me slightly curious, but I\'m not going to take my eyes off the phone now. After all, I was just about to kill the first Boss and go up to Rank E in the cell phone game I downloaded.

But seeing that the sound came from the portal has made me even more curious. After all, it wouldn\'t make sense for someone to leave now, since there are still three hours left for the end of the Fortress.

"Sir!" One of the low-ranking agents came up to call me.

Without taking my eyes off my cell phone, I asked back. "What is it? Has anyone passed out from heat stroke?" In my mind, that is the only possible explanation for that noise.

"No sir! One of the Blessed Ones came out of the portal with a big cut on her belly and passed out!" The agent responds a little apprehensively.

I don\'t understand why he is like that, it wasn\'t just a... wait... he said a Blessed one left?!

Realizing this, I\'ve dropped my cell phone on the table that I was using as a support and am running along the side of the Blessed One who is being carried to the triage unit we set up before the invasion started... Who knew it would be used?

Looking more closely, she really is a Blessed One who invaded the Fortress, and from her injury I would say that maybe she is possibly even the only survivor of the invasion. What a pity... a loss of fourteen Blessed Rank D will be a huge loss for the city, especially since some were the children of the most powerful Blessed... Damn... I\'m sorry for having complained that the day was boring. God of complaints, I regret it; it will give me so much headache in the next few days...

** * *** Clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp * *

It seems that the god of complaints has finally heard my apology and accepted! Hearing more footsteps, I see more Blessed Ones crossing the portal with a slightly regretful expression, but when I see the injuries they had, I guessed it could be because of how many of their companions died.

Now is my time to take action and do my one job: get answers to what happened inside.


"Are you sure he alone was commanding thirteen monsters with a strength, that combined, was greater than yours?" I ask the young man who has a small sword and a bow with him to try to find out what had happened inside, but from the answer the young man is giving me, it seems completely unbelievable.

For all the years that I\'ve worked for the government with this task, this is the first time that this has happened to me. The only thing I can think of is that this boy, who apparently appears to be the son of a wealthy and powerful family, is making fun of me to make his friends laugh, which has made my expression go dark while I furrow my eyebrows.

But different from what I had imagined, instead of worrying about it, realizing that I was not enjoying that joke, the boy, in fact, is making an expression of laziness, as if he imagined this would happen, and he answers me.

"Yes, that\'s exactly what happened. If you don\'t believe it, you can ask any of the others. I have nothing to gain by telling you this, let alone something to gain by trying to hide it, so just do your job instead of standing there as if I\'ve offended you for something you don\'t believe in." The young man named Thomas answered me with a displeased expression, which has made me even more angry. Who does this boy think he is to tell me what to do? Just because his father is a Blessed Rank C he thinks... Damn... His father is a Blessed Rank C; I had forgotten about it. Even my Boss will not be able to defend me if this boy tells his father that I did something wrong.

Controlling myself not to sigh in front of him and show how frustrated I am, I just keep pressing him, "What you\'re telling me doesn\'t make any sense, and you know it. The only monsters that humans can control are monsters with contracts, but these monsters are at most a group of low-ranking Rank E creatures. Next are you going to tell me that mice with bright noses were the monsters that defeated the monsters of the Fortress?" I have tried, but I am unable to avoid pouring some of my frustration out on him.

But before he can answer that question again, the Blessed Noah Stern, who, after I checked his resume, has shown meteoric growth since two weeks ago, rising from a series of four years having invaded Rank F Fortresses, to get to where he was is today: raiding Rank E Fortresses alone, or Ranks D in a group.

And just as Thomas had described, strangely, he is leaving with... thirteen red goblins who are carrying something metal for Noah, who had simply pointed to a place and the thirteen goblins have carried the metal thing to that corner and are standing there waiting for another order, just like Thomas had described.

As my jaw has been dropping, a voice has come to my ears from my side. "See? Now do you believe me? Anyway, this is no longer my business; I have more things to do." Thomas left without me even looking at him.

Noah apparently has realized that I was looking at him and has started to come towards me.

If what Thomas told me is true, then everything about the monsters is probably also true, meaning that those thirteen red goblins are probably able to kill me in seconds, just as they killed Garric Thompson, the big Blessed One, who used an ax, who, according to Thomas, had died in just seconds before his eyes were gouged out and devoured in front of everyone by those goblins... *glurp*... I don\'t want to have my eyes gouged out.

That may even be the explanation for Noah\'s strength to have risen in such a short time... Maybe he got these monsters to work for him in the other Fortresses?

"Hi, are you the agent in charge of the interrogations?" Noah asks me with an apparently disinterested look, as if he isn\'t thinking about anything, but at the same time, he is showing a basic respect for me, which I wouldn\'t particularly expect from someone who has been described as so powerful by someone like Thomas.

"Yes, it\'s me. Can you give me some information about those goblins?" I ask, a little nervous after what has happened in this Fortress. The headache I am going to have will not be about dealing with a group of powerful Blessed people who died, but dealing with a single blessed person who, for some reason, was able to control thirteen monsters.

- Narrator Pov -

"Did he really do that?"

"Where do you get it? I want it too!"

"Can I become a Blessed One as well? With that strength I could definitely invade Fortresses, and even put myself in danger with more than a zero percent chance of survival."

These were the conversations Noah heard from some of the government officials who whispered about him as he headed towards his own car with the thirteen imps around, carrying the skeleton boss\'s heavy armor.

Noah was not immediately going to wear that armor that had been used for so many years. He would first clean it up a little, since this metal had been that way for countless decades to say the least. If he put the armor on at some point, the chance that when he took off the armor his skin would look like coal was very big, which made Noah just order the imps to carry it for him towards the car.

As others had seen the imps, he didn\'t mind showing the cute little ones to other people, especially with the effect he hoped seeing them would trigger.

And that was exactly what happened. After he told his "version" of what happened in the Fortress, Noah listened to the government officials, who had rankings ranging from rank F to E, whispering about the imps, wondering if they could be like Noah: if they could use the imps in Fortresses, where he got them, and things like that.

At that time, the little seed he wanted to plant was already planted successfully, and he would only need to reap the rewards in full at a later time.


Please read the author\'s notes down here! he he he :3 ↓↓↓

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